Monday, August 19, 2024

Odelia's First Day Hitched to the Cart

 It's a big day here at Rancho Chupacabra, folks. After being laid up for a week with the joy that is kidney stones, I braved the blue skies and wonderfully mild mid-90s weather for another training session with Odelia. On her previous session, I fit her new harness to her and lowered the shafts of the cart into the tug loops, but did not attach the tugs to the singletree; I just oriented her to the lowering of the shafts, and the weight of them on her harness.

Today, I ground-drove her for a few minutes and then went straight to the cart. I lowered the shafts and she was perfectly at ease, so onward! I went ahead and hitched her up, and then began to lead her (using a halter over the bridle) with the cart in tow. She was outstanding, as I expected from such a willing, sweet-natured little donkey. 

Progress was, however, slow. She was hesitant, and I was challenged at leading her, holding the lines, and walking at the same time. Fortunately, the husband-person magically appeared at the perfect time and assisted by holding the lines while I led her. He then (very trustingly, I must note) hopped into the cart, took the lines and whip, and I led Odelia while he drove her. We then swapped places and he held the rope very loosely while I drove her, and after she'd proven herself capable and happy, he removed the lead rope. Odelia was just excellent. Not a lot of finesse, yet, but she is brave and shows no resistance or fear at all. 

On our next session, kidney stones and other factors permitting, I hope to move her outside of the confines of the round pen and to an open, flat area. I plan on hitching her, leading her to that site, and then hopping into the cart if she is at ease. Donkeys are truly incredible little worker bees, and I'm tickled at how happy Odelia is when she sees me coming with the halter. It's hard to believe this was the shy, adolescent BLM burro she once was. 

Copyright (c) 2024 by Marcy J. Miller * All rights reserved * No part of this content, including photographs, may be used without the express permission of the author * Thank you for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. The rains really made that area pop with color. What a beautiful setting to ride in a quaint little buggy! B.
